US Traffic Control Services (USTC)

U.S. Traffic Control Services & Equipment
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MUTCD - Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices

The MUTCD is officially released by The Federal Highway Administration (FWHA) to update national traffic control and traffic safety equipment guidelines across the entire United States. The information provided within the MUTCD makes sure traffic control devices and equipment meet the needs of all roadway users in the safest and most efficient fashion possible.

Failure to follow the regulations and practices set forth by the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices can result in the loss of federal funding for traffic control service providers. The uniformity proposed by this official document also helps to protect traffic control staff in the field by creating a standard for all traffic flagging, lane closures, traffic detours, work zones, public events, and more.

Traffic control devices are constantly being updated and new products are being brought to the market. The MUTCD depends heavily on the input of active traffic management personnel around the country to keep this manual updated on new technology and best practices. Input from the traffic control industry is constantly reviewed for revisions and additions to the MUTCD.

US Traffic Control LLC mandates the regulations and standards within the MUTCD are at the forefront of our Traffic Safety Training sessions and On-Site Safety Audits. We are grateful to The Federal Highway Administration for their work in keeping us all safe.